I already pay school taxes; why does the Polar Bear Foundation need my support?
The Polar Bear Foundation works with the Northern York County School District to supplement programs and capital improvements tax dollars cannot provide. For our students to continue to excel academically, culturally, and athletically, we must provide opportunities to meet the challenges of the 21st century and beyond.
I don’t have children in the the school district, why should I support the Polar Bear Foundation?
A strong school creates a strong community. The Northern York County School District includes the Carroll, Franklin, Monaghan, Washington, and Warrington townships; and, the boroughs are Dillsburg, Franklintown, and Wellsville.
Is the Polar Bear Foundation approved to receive Educational Improvement Tax Credits (EITC)?
Yes. The Polar Bear Foundation is approved by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to receive EITC tax credits from qualified businesses. Tax credits are awarded to businesses that contribute to certain approved academic programs. A business may be approved for a tax credit equal to 75% of its contribution(s) to an organization, up to a maximum of $200,000 per taxable year. The tax credit may be increased to 90% if the pledge is made for two consecutive years.
Is my gift to the Polar Bear Foundation tax deductible?
Yes. As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, gifts to the Polar Bear Foundation (both monetary and the value of in-kind contributions) may be tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. In addition, United Way and and other federated campaign donors may choose to designate their gift, in full or in part, to the Polar Bear Foundation.
May I give a gift “In Memory Of” or “In Honor Of” a friend or loved one?
Yes. The Polar Bear Foundation presents an excellent opportunity to give a gift “In Memory Of” or “In Honor Of” a friend or loved one. Many parents, grandparents, and friends give a gift “In Honor Of” their children or grandchildren. Donors may also leave a legacy gift by “naming” a program, facility, or room to ensure the family name continues permanently.
What are the Polar Bear Foundation’s funding priorities?
The mission of the Polar Bear Foundation is to support the educational, cultural, wellness, and athletic programs of the Northern York County School District. As such, grant funding opportunities that address these core concerns are our priority.
What is the relationship between the Polar Bear Foundation and the Northern York County School District?
Established in 2006, the Polar Bear Foundation (PBF) is the fundraising organization of the Northern York County School District. It raises financial support beyond the reach of the regular school district budget to fund scholarships for graduating seniors; and, grants that enhance academic, athletic, and cultural programs for the benefit of our students, teachers, and staff.
The Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors, which is separate from that of the school district. Foundation board members are representatives from the business community, parents and the community-at-large. The Superintendent of Schools is a permanent board member of the Polar Bear Foundation governing board. This permanent position ensures that the Polar Bear Foundation makes appropriate decisions that complement the school district’s efforts.
I would love to raise funds for the Polar Bear Foundation. May I use the PBF logo for my fundraiser/event?
Any use of our logo needs written permission from the Board of Directors. We appreciate all fundraising or other activities on behalf of the Foundation, but to protect our rights, the PBF cannot permit the logo to be used without our permission. Please contact us regarding your planned fundraising or other activity and obtain our approval before using our logo. If approved, we will provide you with an authorized digital logo for usage. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.